RCM Certification

About RCM

Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM) is a high quality methodology to manage failure behavior of complex processes. RCM is mostly used for high critical systems. The result of RCM is a maintenance concepts that covers the current failure behavior as described in the FMEA (Failure Mode Effect Analysis). The maintenance concept must be nested into a maintenance plan in order to upgrade the maintenance program in your CMMS.

RCM is standardized worldwide in accordance with SAE JA1011 and SAE JA1012. (https://www.sae.org). You can buy the standards here:

In order to execute RCM correctly, a team of highly experienced people is needed which have updated knowledge of the failure behavior of the system being analyzed. Most experience is found in all operational departments that work daily with the system and have a direct effect on failure behavior. These people work together in a RCM workgroup and use RCM to define that failure behavior and develop the maintenance concept using RCM. The workgroup is managed by a RCM facilitator. The group is at least certified to a RCM level 1 to be able to execute RCM the right way and to define the failure behavior using the 34 RCM definitions. These RCM definitions are crucial for applying RCM because if you understand the definitions you are able to understand the logic behind failure failure behavior and do something about it. It also helps to communicate about failure behavior effectively.

In accordance with these standards there are different levels for people who apply RCM professionally. The background of this is that RCM can only be applied correctly by people who have shown that they have a certain level of knowledge in the field of RCM.

The certification process

A team of RCM Level 4 certified examiners manage the RCM certification. These examiners have many years of experience with RCM training and implementations. To become a RCM examiner, the group of examiners will invite a person to join IREC.

The IREC examiners develop RCM exams according to the RCM standards SAE JA1011 and JA1012. These exams are used on https://learning.ercbv.eu. The result of the theoretical examination is a software score. This software score is the minimum score. For each exam two examiners evaluate the results of the students. Examiners decide together about the final scores of the students. They are also responsible for the grades of the examination questions.

The examination is an “Open Book Exam”. All training materials may be used during the exam. But when a student needs them too often, the student will not be able to finish in time.

80% score is the minimum score to get certified, because any score below can be considered as not reliable enough.

RCM Level 1 requirements

  • is able to explain the RCM process on a global level
  • is able to give a high level explanation of …
    • operating context
    • functions
    • functional failures
    • failures and failure modes
    • potential failures
    • hidden and evident failures
    • single and multiple failures
    • object and process FMEA
    • RCM decision diagram
    • nesting maintenance concepts into maintenance plans to upgrade maintenance programs
    • maintaining maintenance concepts / plans / programs
  • is able to answer questions that a RCM Facilitator will ask during RCM workgroup meetings to develop an RCM analysis
  • is able to participate during RCM analysis workgroup meetings

RCM Level 2 requirements

An RCM Facilitator is RCM Level 2 certified when RCM Level 2 Phase 1 and RCM Level 2 Phase 2 are both finished with scores of at least 80%.

  • Phase 1 of 2 (Theoretical phase). Any RCM facilitator should be …
    • RCM Level 1 certified
    • able to explain any details of the JA1011 and JA1012
    • able to define if any proces / asset / system is low / medium / high critical
    • able to explain when Quick Maintenance or RCM should be used
    • able to explain how to define the system boundaries of a RCM analysis
    • able to explain the added value and use of checklists of an operating context
    • able to explain the added value and use of checklists of functions
    • able to explain the added value and use of checklists of functional failures
    • able to explain the added value and use of checklists of failures and failure modes
    • able to explain the added value and use of checklists of the failure effect questions
    • able to explain the added value and use of failure consequences
    • able to explain hidden and evident failures
    • able to explain the 6 failure patterns and which effect they have on task type selection
    • able to explain average life, MTBF, MTBFM, useful life (economic and HSE), Mtive, Utive, Mted, Mmf, cost types and effect on task intervals
    • able to explain how to select the right formula’s (especially failure finding intervals)
    • able to explain how to select the most risk & cost effective task including the task interval using the “Worth Doing” criteria
    • The student is RCM Level 1 Phase 1 certified, when (s)he reached a score of at least 80% for the theoretical RCM Level 2 exam.
  • Phase 2 of 2 (Master Project)
    • RCM Level 1 Phase 1 certified
    • proved to be able to select a RCM analysis
    • proved to be able to select RCM workgroup team members
    • proved to be able to organize and administrate RCM workgroup meetings
    • proved to be able to setup an operating context
    • proved to be able to develop a professional RCM process FMEA
    • proved to be able to develop a professional maintenance concepts based on the FMEA, which are technically feasible and worth doing
    • proved to be able to nest one or more maintenance concept(s) into a maintenance plan, using the checks of maximum intervals
    • proved to be able to create and present a management presentation about the Master Project
    • proved to be able to manage a RCM workgroup and develop a high level maintenance concept / -plan / -program which is able to prevent or minimize the consequences of the current failure behavior.
    • is able to explain that the FMEA can also be used to improve
      • operator knowledge
      • reporting failures
      • continuous improvement of operating procedures
      • spare part strategy
      • use of sensor data
      • use of analyzing big data
      • use of OEE analysis
      • continuous improvement of budgets, reducing risk and cost and increase quality, efficiency, HSE, …
    • The student received a score of at least 80%

Maintenance programs must be maintained too

RCM is a team approach. That team uses the RCM methodology to analyze a process with the goal of developing a maintenance concept that covers the current failure behavior. But failure behavior in dynamic production processes is not static. Failure behavior is changing all the time. It is dynamic due to:

  • modifications that influence failure behavior
  • changing / updated procedures that prevent failure behavior
  • the weather outside can influence static electricity inside and result in failures
  • people change jobs and when experiences change, failure behavior changes too
  • new machines are installed and people have to gain experience before it is running reliable
  • where people work, mistakes are made and this influences failure behavior
  • there are many more reasons why failure behavior changes in time.

Dynamic production processes must be maintained with dynamic maintenance concepts > plans > programs.

If failure behavior changes, the FMEA must be updated. The updated FMEA is used to update the maintenance concept > maintenance plan > maintenance program so you are continuously able to cover the current failure behavior that affects cost, risk, availability, reliability, quality, efficiency, …

If RCM is applied correctly a second facilitator runs the RCM review group. This is the opposition of the RCM workgroup.

The following RCM Levels are used worldwide.

RCM Level 1: RCM workgroup member

The RCM workgroup consists of people who have a lot of current knowledge and experience of the failure behavior of the process to be analyzed. They answer the questions of the RCM facilitator.

The online RCM Level 1 training is an introduction in Reliability Centered Maintenance. It is a Blended learning training. This means it is a combination of self study in a Learning Management System and 4 online sessions and presentations. The 5th session is the final exam.

After your order you will receive your account details to login in our LMS where you will find all training materials for the training including:

  • RCM book: Dynamic RCM
  • 40 short videos about all different parts of RCM
  • 13 modules
  • Quizes to test your knowledge.
  • Two trial exams
  • The final exam will be shown in this LMS on the 5th day.

RCM Level 1 gives you a introduction how maintenance concepts should be developed. These concepts must be nested into maintenance plans to upgrade the maintenance program in the CMMS. RCM Level 1 gives you a lot of background information about how to manage failure behavior of assets and complex production systems. You will receive detailed information about predictive, proactive, preventive, detective, reactive and directive tasks. You will receive information about when one of the following task types can be selected and how to calculate the intervals:

  • on-condition maintenance or inspections
  • discard
  • restoration
  • combination of tasks
  • failure finding or testing
  • run to failure
  • redesign mandatory
  • redesign desirable

RCM Level 2a: RCM review facilitator

The RCM review facilitator may perform RCM reviews under the guidance of a RCM facilitator. The review facilitator finished only the theoretical part of the Level 2 training (80 hours RCM Level 2 training) and must finish the practical part of Level 2 (RCM Master project) to become a RCM facilitator. Most review facilitators need some extra time to finish the practical part. The review facilitator also has Level 2 rights in DORA Software.

RCM Level 2: RCM facilitator

RCM Level 2 is the RCM facilitator training and is intended for those employees who have or will have final responsibility for the quality of maintenance concepts. Usually these are operational people like process specialists, senior operators, maintenance and reliability engineers. The RCM facilitator also guides RCM review facilitators. Has Level 2 rights in DORA Software.

During this training we discuss both RCM and QM (Quick Maintenance). RCM is for highly critical systems. QM is for medium and low critical systems. QM is based on the RCM philosophy but then 10 times faster because many time consuming parts are removed. Therefore it is also more superficial and not suitable for high critical systems.

In short, each RCM and QM analysis consists of:

  • Operating context
  • Analysis and recording of the current failure behavior
  • Applying the decision strategy to develop the maintenance concept.
  • Nesting the maintenance concept into a maintenance plan
  • Continuous improvement

The Level 2 training consists of two parts:
Theoretical part: +/- 80 hours of theory + exam.
Practical part: RCM Master Project.

The theory covers all mechanisms behind the RCM methodology. In detail we work through all the definitions and apply them in case studies.

Participants have all online training materials at their disposal. Including online quizzes and mock exams.

RCM Level 3: RCM teacher

The RCM Teacher may train and supervise participants to RCM Level 1 and RCM Level 2.

RCM Level 4: RCM examiner

The RCM examiners are chosen from the group of RCM teachers. They have a long RCM track record and have made a special contribution to the application of RCM. RCM examiners are highly respected RCM experts.

European Reliability Centre (ERC) B.V. offers these certified RCM trainings according to the international RCM standards. Contact us for more information.